
By supporting us, you are helping people in need and contributing to the preservation of our autonomy, which is essential to the pursuit of our mission.

Make a donation


Your support is essential! By making a donation, you support our work with the youth, with people who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless, and with people who use drugs.

By mail

You can make a donation by mail by writing a cheque payable to Plein Milieu while including the full name and address of the person or entity to whom the tax receipt is to be issued.

Mail your cheque to Plein Milieu at 4677 St-Denis, Montreal (Quebec), H2J 2L5.


We carry out syringe collection blitzes twice a year, in the winter and in the spring. During this activity, volunteers, users and community partners are invited to walk with us through the streets and alleys of the Plateau-Mont-Royal to collect soiled consumption paraphernalia. Follow us on Facebook to find out when the next event will take place!

Travail de milieu dans la rue
Cueillette de seringues
Cueillette de seringues

To know more about our impact in the community :