In Montreal Highschools since 1993!

Youth Outreach

Our team uses a proximity outreach approach while meeting students exactly where they are: in school, but also on the streets, in parks, on the metro, etc. The intervention workers aim to educate, equip and sensitize young people and the community that surrounds them so that everyone is able to deal with the challenges faced by today’s youth.

We offer individual and collective guidance to young people along their emotional, social and educational journey. We play the role of councillor, mediator and workshop facilitator.

Équipe intervenantes jeunesse


We offer ongoing services in these high schools: Jeanne-Mance High School and Marguerite de Lajemmerais High School.

We also offer “à la carte” services in other high schools throughout Montreal, such as psychosocial counselling and workshop facilitation.. To make a service request for your school, write an e-mail at:

employées Plein Milieu
employées plein milieu


The philosophy behind our counselling activities is based on empowerment, harm reduction, respect, dialogue, building mutual trust, confidentiality and the voluntary base of exchange.

Our main intevention themes are:

    • Relationship problems, violence, intimidation
    • Sexual Health
    • Physical Health and Addiction
    • Mental Health
    • Issues at school
    • Delinquency and legal problems
    atelier de prévention en classe plein milieu jeunesse


    We offer two workshop programs: sex education and substance abuse prevention. Learnings are transmitted in a theoretical format and through games or dramatizations leading students to develop strategies that help identify risky behaviours and strengthen their self-assertiveness.

    Sex education

    These workshops meet the Ministry’s requirements in terms of sex education. It is part of a holistic approach that addresses the multiple dimensions of sexuality and covers the following themes: puberty; body image; personal relationships; love and intimacy; stereotypes, prejudices and intimidation; sexual diversity; sexual consent and aggression; STBBIs and contraception; social media; and sexuality as a whole.

    Substance Abuse Prevention

    These workshops answer the numerous questions youth have about drugs, their effects and associated risks. The material is given from a prevention perspective and addresses the following themes: drug categories; effects on the brain; substance abuse and sexuality; the law of effect; rights, responsibilities and laws; substance abuse and social media…

    atelier de prévention en classe plein milieu jeunesse


    • The sports intervention project, carried out in partnership with the Centre Sablon, gives students the opportunity to enjoy rewarding experiences, expend their energy, vent their frustrations, manage their stress and develop better self-esteem through physical activity, all in a safe environment.
    jeunes qui font du sport
    Salle de classe vide

    See our educational posts!