In the Plateau-Mont-Royal, since 1993!

Our mission

Plein Milieu builds relationships of trust with people who are drug users, homeless or at risk of homelessness, and with youth 12 years of age and older while focusing on harm reduction, information and prevention.

Plein Milieu accompanies them on their journey towards wellness by facilitating their access to knowledge, services and care that correspond to their needs. In partnership with all community stakeholders, Plein Milieu takes action and proposes innovative solutions to address the exclusion issues faced by the people it supports.

Our vision

At Plein Milieu, we believe that individuals should never be seen as problems. We believe that each person has the right to be him or herself and to find fulfillment within society, and we understand that society thrives as a result. 

The pursuit of this social justice goal requires that each person has equal opportunity to access the care and services that best suit his or her needs, while respecting his or her will. For people who are using drugs or who are homeless, this remains a challenge.

Our Values

Logo Plein Milieu
  • Self-determination Plein Milieu believes that EVERYONE HAS THE RIGHT TO LEAD THEIR OWN LIFE WITHIN SOCIETY, according to their own choices and uniqueness, while respecting others.
  • Authenticity : Plein Milieu acts with CONVICTION AND TRANSPARENCY in the execution of its mission and statements.
  • Mutual aid : Plein Milieu builds mutual relationships of trust based on the respect of each person’s will and limits. PLEIN MILIEU’S GOAL IS NOT TO COME TO THE RESCUE, BUT RATHER TO OFFER SUPPORT…
  • Boldness: Strengthened by its roots in the community, its expertise and its rigorous processes, Plein Milieu acts creatively and flexibly to PROPOSE INNOVATIVE SOLUTIONS to the social issues it addresses.Justice
  • Social Justice: Plein Milieu works for a SAFER AND MORE EMPATHIC WORLD FOR EVERYONE.

Our Story

  • 1993

    Plein Milieu is founded through the creation of the first youth intervention position at École Jeanne-Mance. The Youth intervention programm will continue to evolve while new positions open at École Espace-Jeunesse (1998) and at École Robert-Gravel (2016).

  • 1997

    Streetwork begins a PWIID (persons who inject or inhale drugs) mandate. In 2015, the program expands to include street work components for Indigenous communities and people experiencing homelessness.

  • 2006

    The Site fixe, a facility allowing access to sterile equipment for drug consumption and safe sex, opens its doors.

  • 2007

    The Vitr’artprogram is launched to offer pre-employment services to youth aged 16-25 years old and continues to operate for the next seven years.

  • 2011

    This year marks the creation of the Street Messengers program focused on community involvment of peer workers.

  • 2015

    Plein Logis, a housing integration program, welcomes its first participants.

  • 2018

    Two new positions specific to social mediation have been created to promote better cohabitation between all stakeholders in the neighborhood.

  • 2019

    In response to the opioid crisis, a one-time research project for overdose prevention is launched. This will lead to the development of recommendations for consumers, practitioners and organizations.

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